
With regard to lifting the state of emergency over COVID-19

NEWS 2020-05-27

The government lifted the state of emergency for all areas in Japan on May 25.
Based on the government’s intention as “lifting the restrictions of social and economic activities in phases and creating new life of Covid-19 era”, we will continue remote work and staggered working hours for the time being.

Our company provides logistics service which is essential to social infrastructures,
so even under these circumstances, we have been continuing our business and taking any measures to prevent infection.

By considering our staffs’ health and safety first, we will continue to deal with the matters flexibly by following the government’s policy.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Useful information

We have compiled some useful information about international logistics, so please feel free to make use of it.


Daido Trans-Planet, we are committed to initiatives related to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

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